Ginger carrot soup

25 06 2010

The second recipe I made for dinner last week was a carrot soup.  I have a folder with all the recipes I want to try out first, so I looked through the different soups. It’s hard to choose since they all sound delicious (that’s why I chose them…), but since it couldn’t be dairy and I didn’t have all the ingredients for some of them, my choices were narrowed down to just a few. Having plenty of carrots in the fridge, I chose Ginger carrot soup. Now, we’ve had many kinds of carrot soups in the past, some with ginger too, but still I wanted to try uncle Archie’s version.

Usually, carrot soups are sweetish, with cinnamon or nutmeg. Sometimes they’re refreshing, with orange peel or lemon and even fresh ginger. This recipe on the other hand is spicy, with a strong taste from cumin and coriander. It has carrots of course, but also leeks, zucchini and potatoes. It is heavily seasoned too, and since I put in too much of the spices, it came out quite strong. I guess I got “curried” away!

ginger carrot soup

I don’t know where this recipe originates from, but it tastes Indian. Like the Chicken Tarka, it too has a nice blend of spices, the scent of which blends well with the vegetables. I like spicy food, so I really enjoyed the soup. But I will make it again with the right quantities, to see how it works out. Nevertheless, quite a few people round the table asked for seconds, so I guess others liked it too.



One response

25 06 2010

the soup was great! I could really taste the coriander, and i like the little crunch of the seeds. I can imagine this would be good cold also with a dollop of yogurt or sour cream! Thanks Danny!

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